Infinite Possibilities Special 33% Off

Reach and sell millions from the comfort of your easy chair without touching a telephone or a computer in about the time it takes to drink a cup of coffee.

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Platinum Online Edition 3.0
Membership Includes:

  • Quantum Selling: Opening the Portal – Course Book

    This is the most revolutionary work on success since Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich. Applied scientific theory, tested and proven in practical day-to-day usage, establishes this book as a new standard in selling for the 21st Century.

    In his forward, Dr. Joe Vitale calls Quantum Selling “a masterwork of pure genius.”

  • Mastering The Portal, Study Guide And Portal Log

    Deepening exercises and daily guidance help enhance your ultimate power and success The Portal Log walks you step-by-step through an empowering experience inside the Portal. New Improved Quantum Selling Protocols get you moving forward at record speed.

12 Weeks of Training Sessions and Platinum Enrichment Sessions

  • Week 1: Boot Camp

    New, preparatory session opens you to a world of possibility with 3 amazing and mind expanding seminars. 1. Finding What Makes You Rich 2. Harnessing The Greatest Power Known To Man 3. Napoleon Hill’s Big Mistake

  • Week 2: Essentials Of Quantum Connecting.

    Tom & Penelope along with Dave Edman prepare you for accessing a Force so powerful it trumps anything you may have known existed.

  • Week 3: Rebooting Your Connections

    Tom & Penelope discuss our favorite Icon’s big mistake and how it alone can stop you from ever achieving the level of success you are born to have. (Probably why Napoleon Hill died broke) This On-Line Boot Camp is a powerful enhancement that will blast you forward into the Portal faster than ever before.

  • Week 4: The Power of Clearing Clear your Energy

    Clear your space. Clear your mind. The greatest success in the Portal comes through a clear mind and a clear intent. Dave Edman leads an ancient focus exercise to refresh your mind, body and spirit.

  • Week 5: Stopping The Vicious Cycle Of Failure

    Explore the myth of separateness and how it effects your life and your business. Guest star Brad Yates helps you stop the vicious cycle of failure that can follow great success.

  • Week 6: Becoming The Portal

    Examine the secret to stepping into a consciousness one trillion times more powerful than your own. Energize your connections through an intense and intuitive Quantum Selling experience.

  • Week 7: Reaching Back In Time

    Walk through the new Quantum Selling Protocols, the simple step-by-step procedures everyone’s been asking for. Discover the Power of your WEEE! and harness the strength of your greatest emotional experiences.

  • Week 8: Exceptional Business Applications

    Discover how to use Quantum Selling to energize and multiply your internet and real world marketing successes. Includes ‘Masking’, ‘Imprinting’, ‘Color of Attraction’ and ‘The Million Dollar Deal’.

Fourteen Hours of Enrichment Training

  • Week 9: BONUS Portal love and Quantum Boundaries

    Experience love on the Quantum Side and see how important it is in every aspect in your life and business.

  • Week 10: Platinum Enrichment Training

    Two Sides of Selling Specific Applications How to get the most from your advertising & promotion. Effecting climactic conditions. Fine-tuning your Portal Pitch. Raise your prices effortlessly for more income in less time. Conversations you must avoid in the Portal!


    Solutions for the Changing Times
    Finding joy in the portal. Results from Masters. The power of conversations in the portal. Hearing answers. Details on securing loans. Talking directly to the decision maker. Infectious success energy.

  • Week 11: Platinum Enrichment Training

    Mixing Universes & Winning Random Drawings
    Feeding your creative power. Connecting with your true self in the portal. Attracting an endless supply of money. Receiving direct guidance from the source of all creation. Nearly 2 ½ hours of amazing insight and direction.

    Mastering Business Relationships
    Big Business Insurance Specialist tells how he went from zero to top producer in 6 months. Pre-screening of prospects. Face to Face reading. Heightened capacity for loving relationships in church work and estranged family. Incredibly moving experience.

  • Week 12: Platinum Enrichment

    Training Color of Closing
    Top Realtor (worldwide) shares multi-million dollar secrets for reading clients through email, phone calls and face to face. Negotiation Tips. Clients close themselves. Plus how to get preview of your day. Worth the price of entire program.

    Quantum Budgeting & Color of Attraction
    Secret budgeting technique, essential to growing any business rapidly. Avoids costly mistakes. Powerful portal exercise on using the color of attraction to sell real estate. Both segments worth their weight in platinum.

  • Week 13: BONUS Platinum Enrichment Training

    Raising Prices In The Portal
    Success Coach Donna Ferri shares her 5 minute process for not only raising prices, eliminating problem business and attracting new higher paying clients , but finding someone to do it for her, free of charge. Why you must forgive yourself for your new found success. And how to keep the money pedal to the metal.

Your Lessons Will Include

  • Strategic Questions and Answers

    Stimulating questions, answers and insights. Everyone has questions on a new process. We cover the bases on the tough ones.

  • Portal Exercises

    Dave Edman leads you into the portal through a series of exercises. These exercise are simple and easy to use. All you have to do is listen and follow along.

  • Digital Materials

    Digital Transcriptions Of the audio classes. Reading along with the lesson activates a powerful human factor that can boost your retention many fold.

  • Process Protocals

    Each week your Portal Log will give you step by step processes to strengthen your effectiveness in the Portal.

  • Daily Portal Log

    Track your changes

Free Platinum-Plus Upgrade When You Order Today!
Save $1100

Many people have purchased this Platinum-Plus Upgrade for an additional $1100. Order Today and get FREE with your paid and current Platinum Membership. This gives you an additional 22 hours of Audio Enrichment Training.

That's totals over 47 hours of in-depth step-by-step Quantum Selling Training and Enrichment.

Twenty-Two Hours Additional Platimum-Plus Enrichment Training

  • 1. Essential Questions & Answers

  • 2. Next Level Of Business Success

  • 3. Winning In Court

  • 4. Amazingly Useful Applications

  • 5. Healing in the Portal

  • 6. Resonating With Your Business

  • 7. Your Key To The Vault

  • 8. Seeing Your Future Self

  • 9. Your Own Personal ATM

  • 10. Enhanced Protection with Dave Edman

  • 11. Creating Positive Global Change

As we said earlier you can make Quantum Selling work for you in your life if you just try. The courses are self explanatory and 94.7% are successful in their first 30 days. If you're not sure about something, we provide easy on-line support.

We want you to succeed.

This is an amazingly simple process. Still, if within 30 days from the date you make a payment you decide for any reason Quantum Selling is not for you, notify us and we will immediately terminate your on-line membership and refund 100% of that month’s payment.

You have absolutely nothing to lose. We've got you covered. With Quantum Masters you get direct contact with Tom & Penelope. You will receive a special email address where you can send questions and you can attend the monthly meetings. Plus you get all the super success stories from the other Masters.

You can do this! You can make Quantum Selling work for you in your life.

Oh yes, one of the things I like best about Quantum Selling is that no one ever has to know why you're having such amazing success. You can slip into and out of the Portal anytime and no one will be the wiser. They'll just think you've had super powers all along. Which, of course, is absolutely true.

Order Now and Get Everything

Infinite Possibilities Special 33% Off